[NOTICE]Notice for Adjusting Product Prices for Exchange Rate Fluctuations

Store Manager
7 Jan 2021

Hi, i'm a Shiftup Store Manager.

In our store, KR, GL, and JP stores are operated at the same price as possible based on the KR store.

Although the international exchange rate fell a lot in 2020, we kept the prices of products in GL and JP stores frozen to avoid confusion for you.

However, we are pleased to inform you that starting January 7, 2021, we increase the price of some products to reduce misunderstandings about the price of goods due to exchange rates.

In 2021, we will work hard to present more diverse and better products.

Thank you.

Business Name: Shift up Corp.   

Representative : Kim Hyung Tae

Business License Number : 230-81-03325

Online Sales Business Confirm Number

 : 2016-SeoulSeocho-1274

Purchase Safety Service Confirm Number

 : NHN KCP A11-190619-7649

Address : 4&14F, 55, Seocho-daero77gil, 

                   Seocho-gu, Seoul



AM 11~ PM 6(UTC+9)

BREAK TIME PM 01 ~  02

82.70.8672.5881 cs@shiftup.co.kr

Exclude weekend & holidays

Business Name: Shift up Corp.   |   Representative : Kim Hyung Tae

Business License Number : 230-81-03325

Online Sales Business Confirm Number : 2016-SeoulSeocho-1274

Purchase Safety Service Confirm Number : Tosspayments A08-240328-0001

Address : 4&14F, 55, Seocho-daero77gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul 



AM11:00 - PM 06:00(UTC+9)

BREAK TIME PM 01:00 - 02:00

 82.70.8672.5881 | cs@shiftup.co.kr

Exclude Weekend & Holiday